Implementing Crypto Payroll

Implementing crypto payroll can streamline your financial operations, reduce costs, and provide employees with more flexible payment options. However, managing the process on your own involves several complexities including compliance, regulation, tax withholding calculations, IRS payments and reporting, and the onchain payment processing itself. This guide will walk you through each step to ensure a smooth implementation.

1. Compliance and Regulation

Research Local Regulations:

  • Understand Jurisdiction Requirements: Crypto payroll regulations vary by country and region. Research the legal requirements in your jurisdiction to ensure compliance.

    • Each US state has its own rules about processing payroll in crypto while some disallow it entirely.

  • Seek Legal Counsel: Consult with a legal expert specializing in cryptocurrency and payroll regulations to navigate the complexities.

2. Tax Form Collection

Classify your workers and collect tax information:

  • W-4 Forms: Ensure all employees fill out W-4 forms to determine federal income tax withholding.

  • State Tax Forms: Collect any necessary state tax forms based on the employee’s location.

  • W-8 & W-9: For contractors, collect the necessary W-8 or W-9 forms depending on where your contractors are located

Employer Identification Number (EIN):

  • IRS Registration: Ensure your business is registered with the IRS and has an EIN for payroll tax reporting.

    • You will need to file a corporate registration in each state in which you employ workers

3. Withholding Calculation

Federal Income Tax:

  • Calculate Withholdings: Use the information from the W-4 forms to calculate the appropriate federal income tax withholdings.

State and Local Taxes:

  • Determine State Requirements: Calculate state and local tax withholdings based on the employee’s location and applicable state laws.

FICA Taxes:

  • Social Security and Medicare: Calculate and withhold the appropriate amounts for Social Security and Medicare taxes.


  • Don't forget to deduct benefit contributions for workers health insurance and financial benefits.

4. IRS Payments and Reporting

Schedule Deposits:

  • Deposit Frequencies: Determine the frequency of your federal tax deposits (e.g., monthly, semi-weekly) based on the IRS guidelines.

  • Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS): Use EFTPS to make your federal tax deposits.

File Quarterly Reports:

  • Form 941: File Form 941 quarterly to report income taxes, Social Security tax, and Medicare tax withheld from employees’ paychecks.

  • State Reporting: Submit any required state tax filings.

Year-End Reporting:

  • Form W-2: Issue Form W-2 to employees and file copies with the Social Security Administration.

  • Form 1099-NEC: Issue Form 1099-NEC for any contractors paid in cryptocurrency.

5. On-Chain Processing

Choose a Blockchain:

  • Select a Blockchain: Decide on a blockchain platform for processing payroll transactions. Popular choices include Ethereum, Polygon, and Arbitrum.

Create Wallets:

  • Employee Wallets: Ensure each employee has a secure cryptocurrency wallet to receive payments.

  • Company Wallet: Set up a company wallet for distributing payroll funds.

Smart Contracts:

  • Automate Payments: Develop and deploy smart contracts to automate payroll transactions, process payments in bulk, and ensure timely and accurate payments.

6. Bulk Payments

Batch Processing:

  • Aggregate Payments: Use batch processing to aggregate payroll payments into a single transaction to reduce gas fees and simplify processing.

Transaction Fees:

  • Manage Fees: Consider transaction fees when making bulk payments and ensure you have sufficient funds to cover these costs.

Leveraging a Crypto Payroll Service Provider

While implementing crypto payroll yourself is possible, the complexities involved in compliance, regulation, tax form collection, withholding calculation, IRS payments, on-chain processing, and bulk payments can be daunting. A crypto payroll service provider can handle all these tasks for you, ensuring compliance and efficiency.

Benefits of Using a Service Provider:

  • Expertise: Providers are well-versed in the legal and regulatory landscape.

  • Automation: Streamline payroll processes with automated solutions.

  • Compliance: Ensure compliance with all tax and regulatory requirements.

  • Support: Access to customer support for any payroll-related queries or issues.

Franklin Payroll: We specializes in onchain financial operations, including payroll, global contractor payments, vendor & customer invoicing, and more.

By leveraging a crypto payroll service provider, you can focus on your core business activities while ensuring your payroll processes are compliant, efficient, and secure.

  • "We've been using Franklin for over a year and it is the easiest way to manage global crypto payments."

    Zeng Jiajun


  • "I wholeheartedly recommend Franklin—a startup that's doing an excellent job tackling global payment challenges in crypto and fiat. Their outstanding support, quick responses, and genuine commitment to problem-solving, make them an invaluable partner in making our payroll processes smoother."

    Sarah Luehrs

    Head of Operations

  • "Franklin provides an excellent solution to a crypto payroll service. It's versatility, coupled with excellent support and intuitive platform design makes it a great choice for businesses looking to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their payroll processes - would highly recommend!"

    Lindsey McConaghy
