Franklin Now Offering Off-Ramping

Mar 25, 2024

Stablecoin Off-Ramping

Franklin is happy to release stablecoin off-ramping! Now, U.S. based businesses can use their stablecoins via Franklin to pay workers payroll payments, bonuses, expense reimbursements and more in USD. The off-ramping process quick to set up and easy to use for all payment types.

For existing customers to get started, simply:

  1. Schedule a 15 minute consultation with our team to ensure your business is eligible for this feature.

  2. Go the the Treasury tab and click convert!

Thats it. The accounting reports, tax debits, and government filings are all still covered by Franklin. You can see a demo of the product here if you are curious to see how it works. Otherwise, book a meeting with us to get started.

  • "We've been using Franklin for over a year and it is the easiest way to manage global crypto payments."

    Zeng Jiajun


  • "I wholeheartedly recommend Franklin—a startup that's doing an excellent job tackling global payment challenges in crypto and fiat. Their outstanding support, quick responses, and genuine commitment to problem-solving, make them an invaluable partner in making our payroll processes smoother."

    Sarah Luehrs

    Head of Operations

  • "Franklin provides an excellent solution to a crypto payroll service. It's versatility, coupled with excellent support and intuitive platform design makes it a great choice for businesses looking to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their payroll processes - would highly recommend!"

    Lindsey McConaghy
