Franklin Integrates with WalletConnect

Sep 11, 2023

WalletConnect's communications protocol is a game-changer in web3, connecting wallets and apps in a secure and interoperable manner. Its built-in support for common networks for both production and staging environments was particularly valuable to us.

We’ve also been impressed by its consistency and reliability across different wallet types. As this field evolves and grows at a rapid pace, the protocol layer to interact with different wallets is a fractured environment. WalletConnect abstracts that complexity away and provides us with the flexibility we need through a consistent interface.

Quick Setup

Getting WalletConnect integrated into our existing multi-wallet support infrastructure was straightforward. The documentation was well laid out, making the setup quick and efficient.

import { EthereumClient, w3mConnectors, w3mProvider, } from "@web3modal/ethereum"; import { Web3Modal } from "@web3modal/html"; import { configureChains, createConfig } from "@wagmi/core"; import { mainnet, goerli, polygon, polygonMumbai } from "@wagmi/core/chains"; const chains = [mainnet, goerli, polygon, polygonMumbai]; const projectId = "[YOUR INFURA PROJECT ID]"; const { publicClient } = configureChains(chains, [ w3mProvider({ projectId }), ]); const wagmiConfig = createConfig({ autoConnect: true, connectors: w3mConnectors({ projectId, chains }), publicClient, }); const ethereumClient = new EthereumClient(wagmiConfig, chains); web3modal = Web3Modal({ projectId }, ethereumClient); // open the WalletConnect modal UI await web3modal.openModal();

The modal opens and enables connections to dozens of different wallet types. Adding seamless support from those wallets to Franklin’s payroll operations.

Complementary Support from Wagmi

For the rest of our wallet and network connection concerns, Wagmi takes care of it, offering supportive integration and insights into the connections established via WalletConnect:

import { disconnect, getNetwork, getAccount, sendTransaction, switchNetwork, } from "@wagmi/core";

The value proposition for us is the same as it's always been: a flexible and compliant payroll platform that’s easy to use. WalletConnect fits into our stack perfectly, and we're excited to leverage its capabilities to help fund payroll processes everywhere.

  • "We've been using Franklin for over a year and it is the easiest way to manage global crypto payments."

    Zeng Jiajun


  • "I wholeheartedly recommend Franklin—a startup that's doing an excellent job tackling global payment challenges in crypto and fiat. Their outstanding support, quick responses, and genuine commitment to problem-solving, make them an invaluable partner in making our payroll processes smoother."

    Sarah Luehrs

    Head of Operations

  • "Franklin provides an excellent solution to a crypto payroll service. It's versatility, coupled with excellent support and intuitive platform design makes it a great choice for businesses looking to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their payroll processes - would highly recommend!"

    Lindsey McConaghy
